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Furia Deportiva Host Aldo Quiroz Appointed as Hispanic Spokesperson for Bike MS: Texas MS 150

HOUSTON, TEXAS, UNITED STATES, April 10, 2024 / -- Furia Deportiva Host Aldo Quiroz, renowned TUDN Radio sportsman personality, has been selected as the Hispanic spokesperson for the esteemed Bike MS: Texas MS 150 ride to College Station from Houston and Austin.

Quiroz, with his influential morning show and extensive coverage of major sports events, is poised to motivate and involve the Hispanic community in backing the 40th Annual Bike MS: Texas MS 150 as riders, volunteers, and spectators.

Quiroz’s appointment as the Hispanic spokesperson for this iconic cycling event signifies a significant step towards engaging a broader audience and fostering inclusivity within the biking community. His role will not only amplify awareness about multiple sclerosis, but also encourage active participation from individuals across diverse backgrounds.

The collaboration between Quiroz and Bike MS: Texas MS 150 highlights a shared commitment to promoting health, wellness, and community engagement. By leveraging Quiroz’s platform and influence, the event aims to reach new heights in terms of participation and support from the Hispanic demographic.

Quiroz, a dedicated participant in the Bike MS: Texas MS 150 ride for the past six years, has now taken on the role of a spokesperson for the Hispanic community.

His commitment lies in raising awareness about this important cause and encouraging more individuals to join the ride to support finding a cure for multiple sclerosis.

Through his active involvement in the ride, Quiroz aims to inspire others to contribute towards funding research efforts that can lead to advancements in treating, and ultimately curing, multiple sclerosis.

By leveraging his position as a spokesperson, he hopes to amplify the message within the Hispanic community and beyond, emphasizing the significance of supporting initiatives like Bike MS: Texas 150 in making a tangible difference in the lives of those affected by multiple sclerosis.

This partnership underscores the importance of diversity and representation in sports-related initiatives, showcasing how individuals, like Quiroz, can make a meaningful impact on charitable causes through their advocacy and outreach efforts.

As Quiroz continues to champion community engagement and social responsibility through Furia Deportiva, his efforts to rally support for Bike MS: Texas MS 150 reflect a deep-seated commitment to making a positive difference in the lives of others.

By uniting his passion for broadcasting with a genuine desire to uplift and empower his audience, Quiroz exemplifies leadership in leveraging media influence for social good.

The collaboration between Furia Deportiva and the Hispanic community of Houston sets a powerful example of collective action towards creating positive change and fostering solidarity within the community.

For more information on how you can join Aldo Quiroz and Furia Deportiva in supporting Bike MS: Texas MS 150, tune in to their morning radio show or visit their official channels for updates on upcoming events and opportunities to get involved.

Listen M-S 8-10AM 93.3FM

Aldo Quiroz
Furia Deportiva
+1 346-762-5845

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